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The filmmaking team behind Date Movie and Meet the Spartans is back with a comedy spoof sending up disaster movies in this Lionsgate production. Matt Lanter, Vanessa Minnillo, G-Thang, and Kim Kardashian head up the cast as a group of List of mockumentaries - Wikipedia (US, 2003–2009), Comedy Central parody of Cops, about an inept police force in Reno, Nevada. Review (US, 2014–2017), Comedy Central show starring Andy Daly as fictional professional critic Forrest MacNeil, who reviews real-life experiences. 21 Best Comedies of 2018 - Funniest Comedy Movies of the Year Dec 10, 2018 Alyssa Milano says Snooki parody was a ‘political

The list contains related movies ordered by similarity. Recommendation engine sorted out humorous, not serious, absurd and funny films with plots about parody, farce, brutality, dialogue, mentor, nudity (full frontal - brief) and catastrophe mostly in Comedy, Horror and Crime genres. Some movies like Scary Movie: Not Another Teen Movie (2001), A Haunted House (2013), Movie 43 (2013), Vampires Suck (2010), Fifty Shades of Black (2016).

You're Never Too Young 1955 Jerry Lewis Dean Martin Full Length Comedy Movie by Best Jerry Lewis Dean Martin Movies. 1:42:56 Western Movies: Pardners (1956) - Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Lori Nelson List of James Bond parodies and spin-offs - Wikipedia

(US, 2003–2009), Comedy Central parody of Cops, about an inept police force in Reno, Nevada. Review (US, 2014–2017), Comedy Central show starring Andy Daly as fictional professional critic Forrest MacNeil, who reviews real-life experiences.

Sep 02, 2019 10 Best Comedy Movies To Watch On Netflix: Light-Hearted Films Parody movies, also known as spoof films, are made funny by mocking other movie genres. These comedy movies take well-known scenes from a variety of films and string them together for comedic effect. These comedy movies take well-known scenes from …