What is the difference between IP address and subnet mask

Mar 03, 2019 ip address & subnet mask ! - Apple Community Aug 19, 2007 Find your IP address Mar 21, 2019 How to mask your ip address - Masks Nov 27, 2018

Jun 18, 2019 · Your IP address is like your public ID on the internet. Any time you do anything on the internet, your IP address lets servers know where to send back information you’ve requested. Many sites log these addresses, effectively spying on you, usually to deliver you more personalized ads to get you to spend more money. For some people, this is a significant issue, and there are ways to hide your

Sep 06, 2019

The MAC address is used in the link layer and makes it possible for multiple nodes in a LAN to communicate to each other over a shared medium, such as Ethernet, Wifi, etc. This means that when data is sent from your router to another network (using the Internet layer), the MAC address of your computer is not sent as it would be meaningless data

Apr 29, 2020 · A computer's hardware configuration determines its MAC address, while the configuration of the network it is connected to determines its IP address. However, if the computers are connected to the same TCP/IP network, you can determine the MAC address through a technology called ARP ( Address Resolution Protocol ), which is included with TCP/IP. Jan 21, 2016 · Well, the last one is easy to answer: there’s no concept of free versus paid IP or MAC addresses. As you’ll see in a moment, IP addresses are assigned as part of connecting to a network, and MAC addresses are assigned at the time hardware is manufactured. A wildcard mask is a mask of bits that indicates which parts of an IP address are available for examination. In the Cisco IOS, they are used in several places, for example: To indicate the size of a network or subnet for some routing protocols, such as OSPF. To indicate what IP addresses should be permitted or denied in access control lists (ACLs).