Jul 06, 2020 · Permanent DNS Name Servers. I hope this quick article helped you in setting the permanent DNS nameservers in your Ubuntu and Debian systems. If you have any queries or suggestions, do share it with us in the comments section below. Change DNS using the Ubuntu Terminal. If you are a hardcore programmer and don’t like fixing things using the user interface, then need not to worry. You can also change the DNS settings using the built-in terminal. To simply learn how to change the DNS settings in Ubuntu using terminal kindly following the steps below: Aug 12, 2014 · How To Configure Bind as a Caching or Forwarding DNS Server on Ubuntu 14.04. Bind is an extremely flexible DNS server that can be configured in many different ways. In this guide, we will discuss how to install Bind on an Ubuntu 14.04 server and configure it as either a caching or forwarding DNS server. Mungkin beberapa dari teman-teman masih belum paham, tentang cara konfigurasi DNS server di ubuntu 16.04. Jadi disini saya akan menunjukkan langkah-langkahnya. 1.Install aplikasi Bind9

This article was written using a Ubuntu server which is debian based. Other distros such as RedHat and SUSE may take different steps to configure networking. Intro. If you require a static IP address for a Linux machine, you must configure a specific config file via the command line, there are GUI tools available which allow you to achieve this

Aug 16, 2016 · Setting up a Bind DNS server on Ubuntu server - Duration: 12:53. slaytonification 113,782 views. How to configure DNS Name Server in Ubuntu Linux 18.04 - Duration: 25:19.

There are multiple methods for setting DNS nameservers on an Ubuntu Linux, and which method you use depends on which version of Ubuntu you're running. If you are using the Ubuntu server 18.04, you need to add DNS configuration to the interface configuration file.

You might want to change the DNS server if your ISP’s servers can sometimes be slow or outdated. sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf. and change or add the lines: nameserver your_DNS1 nameserver your_DNS2. You can add as many lines like these, but two should be enough. Test the used domain name servers careful! #dns-nameserver